Eligibility and Activation


Which ASB cards have travel insurance benefits included

Only ASB Visa Platinum Rewards cards include travel insurance benefits. If you are unsure what type of card you hold, please check your credit card statement. 

Can you send me confirmation that I have cover for my trip?

Yes, Complete an activation questionnaire and we will verify your eligibility. You will be able to print a copy of the outcome of your assessment, or if you provide your details at the end of the questionnaire, we will email you with confirmation of your cover.

Do I have to let you know when I am travelling to activate my cover?

No. There is no requirement to call us to advise when you are travelling. You will be covered, subject to normal policy terms, conditions and exclusions, when you have met the activation requirements of the policy, but you should make sure you have met these requirements before relying on this policy for your cover. 

If you want to check that you have met the eligibility or activation requirements and get extra peace of mind once you have your trip planned, or if you need confirmation documents for any reason, go to the Activation Questionnaire and enter your trip details.

Does the policy have age limits?

Yes, age limits apply. In particular, there is no cover under any part if the policy if you are 76 years, or older, at the start of your trip. For information about age limits and mature age cover, please click here.

Am I covered if I don't have a return ticket?

No. To be eligible for cover while you are overseas you must hold a return travel ticket for your travel before you depart New Zealand. 

If you have met the policy activation requirements (usually this means paying $500 or more towards your pre-paid deposits using your Platinum card) but you have not completed your travel plans by purchasing return travel tickets, your pre-paid deposits may still  be covered under Benefit B1 Cover before you depart New Zealand.

I am travelling on stand-by tickets. Does this count as a return travel ticket for activation purposes?

Yes, if you hold stand-by tickets for your return travel  at the time you depart New Zealand, then you will be considered by us as having satisfied the return ticket requirement. 

Please note that there is no cover for any costs or losses arising from any itinerary changes arising directly or indirectly from your holding a stand-by ticket as changes to your travel dates would be considered foreseeable.

I am travelling for longer than the standard period of cover, will I be covered?

No, if you are travelling for more than 90 days, you will not be covered for any part of your trip (unless you have purchased a duration extension prior to departing New Zealand.

For information about duration limits and duration extensions, please click here.

I normally live in a country other than New Zealand - will I be covered?

No. This policy only covers trips starting and finishing in New Zealand. In addition, you must be residing in New Zealand and returning to New Zealand to live at the end of your journey.

Am I eligible for domestic travel cover within New Zealand?

No, the ASB Visa Platinum Rewards Travel Insurance Policy only covers overseas trips. You may also be covered for domestic travel from your home or place of business to your international departure point if such travel is direct and no more than 24 hours in duration. 

What is my policy number?

Your policy number is the first 6 digits of your individual credit card number.

If you have completed the online questionnaire and we have sent you a certificate confirming cover, that will  also include a unique policy reference. 

You can reference either your unique certificate reference, or the first 6 digits of your card as a policy number.

Is there an excess on each claim?

An excess of $200 is applicable to each and every claim arising from the same event under each of the following sections:

Benefit A. Medical and evacuation expenses;

Benefit B. Travel cancellation and additional expenses. 

Benefit C. Luggage, personal belongings and tavel documents.

  • Only one excess applies if a single event causes a a claim against more then one benefit (such as medical and cancellation).
  • If you claim for two or more separate unrelated claim events two excesses will apply.
  • For a single event, only one excess will apply, even if the claim is for more than one person.


Cover for family members


How do you define dependent children?

Dependent Child(ren)

means each person who:
  1. Is your natural, step, or legally adopted child; and
  2. Is unmarried and not living in a relationship equivalent to marriage; and 
  1. Is under the age of 19 years at the date of departure for a covered trip; or
  2. Is under the age of 25 and is a full-time student who is currently enrolled, or is enrolled in the next academic term or semester, and who is primarily dependent on the platinum cardholder for maintenance and support.

To be covered under this policy, a dependent child must be accompanying the cardholder on a covered trip.

How do you define Spouse?

Spouse means your spouse or de facto partner with whom you have continuously cohabited for a period of three (3) consecutive months or more immediately preceding the commencement of a covered trip.

To be covered under this policy, a spouse must be accompanying the cardholder on a covered trip, or a cardholder in their own right. 

Can my spouse or child be covered if he/she is traveling on a different itinerary?

The policy only covers accompanying spouses and or dependent children.

Accompanying means a spouse and/or dependent children travelling together with the platinum cardholder on a covered trip and generally on the same itinerary. This means departing and returning with the platinum cardholder but allowing for a difference in itineraries of the lessor of than five nights or 20% of the covered trip.

If your spouse or dependent child is not accompanying you they will not be covered. 

If your spouse is a joint and/or additional cardholder, they can be covered in their own right as long as they meet the normal cardholder activation criteria.

Will my family be covered if I have paid for their trip on my card and I am not travelling with them?

The policy only covers accompanying spouses and or dependent children.

Accompanying means a spouse and/or dependent children travelling together with the platinum cardholder on a covered trip and generally on the same itinerary. This means departing and returning with the platinum cardholder but allowing for a difference in itineraries of the lessor of than five nights or 20% of the covered trip.

If your spouse or dependent child is not accompanying you they will not be covered. 

If your spouse is a joint and/or additional cardholder, they can be covered in their own right as long as they meet the normal cardholder activation criteria.

Can I buy additional cover to extend this insurance so other family members accompanying me (who do not fall within the definition of Spouse and/or Dependent Children) will be covered?

No. This insurance is available only to you and your spouse and dependent children as defined in the policy. If members of your travelling party do not meet the definition of spouse and/or dependent children, they cannot be covered under the policy.


Medical Cover


Does this policy provide cover for medical expenses?

Yes, medical emergencies can happen overseas.  ASB Visa Platinum Travel Insurance  covers medical expenses, including; treatment costs, ambulance fees, and where appropriate, medical evacuation back to New Zealand. Changes to your itinerary required by illness or injury can also be covered. Check the policy wording for full details.

There are some limitations on medical cover, including that there is no automatic cover for any event that is caused by or arises because of any pre-existing medical condition - including a pre-existing medical condition of yours or someone else on whom your travel relies.

To apply for cover your pre-existing medical conditions (you cannot apply to cover the pre-existing medical conditions of anyone other than yourself) complete the activation questionnaire.

Are dental expenses covered?

Pain relief for acute dental pain is included (refer to benefit A2 for details). 

There is no cover for routine dental healthcare, cosmetic treatment, or restorative treatment such as crowns or fillings. 

Are Pre-existing medical conditions covered?

No, there is no automatic cover for any event that is caused by or arises because of any pre-existing medical condition - including a pre-existing medical condition of yours or someone else on whom your travel relies.

To apply for cover your pre-existing medical conditions (you cannot apply to cover the pre-existing medical conditions of anyone other than yourself) complete the activation questionnaire.

If we accept your application for cover of your pre-existing medical conditions, a premium will be payable.

Is pregnancy covered?

Unforeseeable medical events related to pregnancy that occur before the 24th week of gestation may be covered. 

There is no cover for routine pre-natal care for pregnancy (at any stage of a pregnancy), and,

from the time you are more than 23 weeks and 6 days pregnant there is no cover for:

  1. Childbirth;
  2. Any neo-natal care; or
  3. Maternity care of the mother.



My medical screening shows a 'Linked Condition' what does this mean?

When you complete our pre-existing medical conditions questionnaire to apply for cover for your pre-existing medical conditions your results may show specific references to 'Linked Conditions' which you included in your declaration. These are conditions that are directly medically linked to those conditions declared by you on your application. Where you have a condition or set of conditions for which we are unable to provide cover, any conditions on your assessment outcome which are noted as 'Linked Conditions' will similarly be excluded from cover.


Rental Vehicle Excess Cover


How does the policy cover rental vehicle excess?

Benefit D: Overseas rental vehicle hire covers the excess or deductible that you become legally liable to pay, following damage to or theft of a rental vehicle. 

The policy does not cover the vehicle itself (only the excess or deductible), or any third party liability, so you need to ensure that the rental agreement includes protection, either under an insurance policy or similar arrangement. 

This benefit does not cover vehicles borrowed from friends or family. 

What is the definition of a rental vehicle for the purposes of this policy?

Rental Vehicle means a passenger-class four-wheeled motor vehicle rented or hired by you from a licensed car rental agency, which is designed to carry no more than 8 passengers, including the driver, and is not for the carriage of commercial goods.

Activities and Work


Am I covered for business related travel?

Yes, business or work related travel can be covered. Manual labour is not covered though. 

Manual labour means your active personal participation in work which involves physical labour or manual operation, including but not limited to:
  1. Outside building or installation work performed three or more metres above the ground, underground work, mining work, military duties, offshore work, manual agricultural labour or construction work;
  2. Work that involves heavy machinery, explosives or hazardous materials;
  3. Work as a diver, lifeguard, taxi driver, bus driver, or other commercial vehicle or heavy vehicle driver, dispatch rider or delivery person;
  4. Work of a manual nature that involves specialist equipment and training, or work that presents risk of serious injury including but not limited to oil riggers, fishermen, crane operators or welders; or
  5. Work as a bar, restaurant or hotel staff, or work as musicians and singers, or fruit pickers if the fruit pickers are operating machinery.


Are cruises covered?

Yes, overseas cruises are covered if your trip meets the normal eligibility and activation requirements of the policy. 

You can refer to Part 1. types of trips we cover, if any third party requires evidence that cruise ship itineraries are covered. 


On my trip I am going skiing (or snowboarding), does my policy cover me for this?

Yes, Snow sports within marked commercial ski field boundaries are covered. 

Hazardous sports however are not covered, and this includes snow sport activities outside ski area boundaries, in closed or out of bounds areas, and any racing or competitive snow sports activities. 


I am travelling to take part in an international sporting competition. Will I be covered under the policy?

No, competition sports (including training) are not covered. 

Organized sanctioned competitions for primary or secondary school age students are covered (subject to normal policy terms) unless the activity in question is separately listed as a hazardous activity. 

Am I covered if I take part in high-risk or adventure activities?

Most normal tourist activities that are provided, guided, or supervised by a local licensed commercial operator can be covered, however the policy does not cover hazardous activities .

Please refer to the policy wording for a full description of what are considered to be hazardous activities. 


Am I covered if I am going on a trek?

Treks, hike and tramps that are below 3000 meters altitude are covered if they are guided or supervised by licensed commercial operators and they are available to the general public with restriction (other than general fitness requirements). 

There is no cover for treks, hike or tramps above 3000 metres altitude. 

I will be sailing ocean waters in a private yacht - is this activity covered?

Sailing outside territorial waters is not covered.

Coastal yachting or sailing (excluding racing)  is covered, subject to normal safety precautions being followed (such as vessel safety checks, use of normal safety equipment, and supervision from suitably qualified and experienced skipper). 



Other policy benefits


I am travelling with high-value items - are these covered under the policy cover for luggage?

Luggage and personal effects are subject to a per item limit of $2,000 (or $6,000 for laptops and associated accessories). You can specify items over that amount (to a maximum of $10,000 for any one item or set) for an additional premium.

This specified item extension will only increase the limit any one item, not the policy limit under Benefit C. Luggage, personal belongings and travel documents

If you would like to specify an item(s), go to the activation questionnaire and add cover for high value personal items.

In the event of a claim, you must provide a current valuation of the item (not older than 12 months) or a receipt showing the purchase price. If you cannot produce either of these we will not cover more than the non-specified item per item limit, which is $2,000.

When I specify items does the maximum amount payable under the section increase?

No. The maximum amount payable under Benefit C: Luggage, personal belongings and travel documents remains the same even if you nominate items for extended cover.

Is sporting equipment covered?

Yes, sporting equipment is covered but there is no cover for damage to sporting equipment or bicycles whilst in use. 

Bicycles and other sporting goods cannot be covered as a specified items. 


Can I specify sporting equipment under the policy?

No. Bicycles and sporting equipment cannot be specified under your policy.

What should I do if I am considering cancelling a trip?

If you are aware that you may have to cancel a planned trip the policy conditions require you to minimise the total cost of cancellation. For instance, you should also cease paying any further pre-paid travel costs that may not be refundable. 

Other things you should do include the following :

  1. As soon as possible after the event causing your claim you must:

a)      Recover any refund you are entitled to; and

b)     Cancel any other travel or accommodation arrangements that depend on any cancelled arrangements and that you are now unable to use.

  1. In circumstances where you are likely to incur substantial unexpected expenses, you or someone on your behalf must call AIG Travel as soon as possible on +64 4 916 6312 or email us at nzassistance@aig.com.
  2. If your public transport has been disrupted, you need to obtain documentation from the carrier which states the details of the disruption. This may include the cause of and length of a travel delay, or the reason a service was cancelled or rescheduled.

What is the Scheduled Transport Accident benefit?

Benefit E2 Scheduled Transport Accident provides a lump sum payment if you suffer death or permanent loss of use of two or more limbs because of an accident while you are travelling on or in a scheduled transport, including boarding and alighting, during a covered trip. 

To be covered under E2 Scheduled Transport Accident, you must have paid the full value of the scheduled transport ticket using your platinum card.

Scheduled Transport means commercial public transport that is by aircraft, bus, train or vessel, which carries fare-paying passengers on regular and set routes at published rates. This does not include any of the following: taxis, rideshare services, or any air or sea craft charter.

If I have not met the special activation requirement for Scheduled Transport Accident cover will this affect the rest of my cover under the policy?

No. While you will not be eligible for the Scheduled Transport Accident benefit you can still be covered under your overseas travel insurance policy for all other benefits - including Benefit E1 Death or Permanent Disablement - provided you have met the normal policy eligibility and activation requirements for the trip.